We all are aware with the name of Netflix and not just aware of it but are a great fan of this excellent content platform.
Netflix has already changed the way as to how and what we watch throughout day and night.
This platform has successfully disrupted the conventional cable TV aspect and has brought great technological innovations such as digital streaming and machine learning.
Netflix has been in a market for twenty years as of now and they keep adding on innovative prospects day by day.
This makes the audience stick to this huge entertainment platform. The only reason customers are attaching with this platform is Netflix knows how to cater their customers’ needs by giving them a remarkable experience. This is the real success story of Netflix.

1. Creating Disruption through Technology
Netflix is making moves throughout the years to expand its audience base at a continual pace. At first, Netflix was just shipping DVDs through the mail and later they eliminated late fees that greatly lead to Blockbuster’s crush.
With the passage of time, they moved up from mailing the content to streaming movies and TV shows in good quality. Continuing the growth prospect, Netflix has already begun its production of own unique content. This original content is being liked by masses and marked as hit shows throughout the scale.
2. Flexibility
The biggest advantage Netflix is giving to its customers that they can watch any content with convenience. They can watch content on-demand and on any screen they want. Netflix is making sure to give smooth experiences with personalized tastes.
3. Variety of Options
Subscribers of Netflix are given options to have a range of movies, TV series, and documentaries by distribution partners. This opens new options on a regular basis attracting millions of customers.
4. Strategy of Original Content
As per the source of Variety, Netflix is planned to spend around $15 billion on the content in 2019. Under which, around 85% of new spending is reserved for original content and this shows the amount of over $12 billion. It is obvious that this investment is more than any other of its competitors like Amazon, Hulu or HBO Now. This is the reason that Netflix is topping in the customer-satisfaction surveys.
5. Ad-Free Content
It is obvious that people get irritated with ads coming in between their favorite program time. It is the reason ad-blocking software is getting more popular than ever. This is what Netflix understands and offers ad-free content. This prevents users from annoying and irrelevant ads making sure to give ad-free experience to all its customers.
6. Enhanced User Experience
Netflix does all research to come up with the best user experience. The foremost aspect is its customer-created preview videos. This preview plays on scrolling through a title card. It also allows download and go feature enabling users to watch shows offline. It also facilitates to share your Netflix account and gives 30 days free subscription.
7. Personalized experience through Netflix recommendation engine
Netflix knows what we watch on this platform every day. It knows when we watch and how many episodes we have watched of certain programs. That is how their machine learning works.
Netflix efficiently uses machine learning in order to help their algorithms learn. This machine learning enables the platform to automate millions of decisions as per the user activities.
Without this recommendation engine, people would spend great time for searching their desired movies and TV shows. This is why the Netflix recommendation engine is crucial to the success of this platform.
With all the great and overwhelming features, Netflix is marked as successful as it prioritizes subscribers’ needs. The regular transformation is bringing innovations and creating ease for all its subscribers. The success story of Netflix is their business strategy to make customers glued to this platform.
Do you have an idea what will Netflix do next? Share with us in the comments and if you have any digital project to discuss such as Web design, influencer marketing, social media management or SEO, email us at hello@themedialab.me